dilluns, 12 de gener del 2015

L8: Saponification


 Saponification is a reaction that produces soap when you mix fats and a strong base (NaOH). 

Objective :

Creates soap



-32 gr NaOH
-90 ml H2O
-270ml of olive oil
-safety goggles
-2 beakers
-stirring rod
-heating plate 


 We put on our safety goggles and gloves . Then we mixed in a 600 ml beaker the 32 grams NaOh with the 90 ml of water,  heated up, it is a endotermic reaction After that we slowly started to pour the olive oil in the beaker, at the same time mixing the  with the stirring rod. We mixed it for 20 minutes,  we heated the beaker on the heating plate to accelerate the reaction. Then we put a couple of drops of aroma and finally we put the soap mixture in a mold. 


Let the mixture a couple of days until it becomes hard,and it forms the soap.

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