dijous, 22 d’octubre del 2015

Practica de biologia : Activitat enzimàtica de la  catalasa en diferents teixits animal i vegetals.
-       -Diferents teixits animals
-       -Patata pastanaga i tomàquet
-       -Cinc tubs d’assaig
-       -Termòmetre
-       -Bisturí
-       -Tisores
-       -Aigua oxigenada (2ml per tub)
-       -Aigua destil·lada (5ml per tub)
-       -Pipeta

Tallem dos trossos de patata, pastanaga  i tomàquet amb la mateixa mida i pes
També tallem un tros de fetge i cor de la mateixa mida i pes
Ho posem en 5 tubs
-      - 1er patata + 5ml d’aigua destil·lada
-       -2n tomàquet + 5ml d’aigua destil·lada
-       -3r pastanaga + 5ml d’aigua destil·lada
-       -4r fetge+5ml d’aigua destil·lada
-       -5è cor+5ml d’aigua destil·lada
Afegirem aigua oxigenada i marquem l’alçada de les bombolles

Variable dependent i independent ? La variable dependent es la que nosaltres modifiquem es a dir  la concentració de cada substancia i el que afegim la independent es l’alçada de les bombolles
Problema a investigar? La activitat de la catalasa en els diferents teixits animals i vegetals
Explica els resultats: La activitat de la catalasa era mes gran en el tros de fetge perquè es on es duen a terme mes reaccions enzimàtiques   el cor també han reaccionat pero no amb tanta intensitat com el fetge ja que la seva activitat no estan elevada. En els teixits vegetals l’aigua oxigenada no reaccionat tant com en els vegetals ja que la seva activitat es molt menor.

Alçada bombolles (mm)
65 (mm)
62 (mm)
63 (mm)
90 (mm)
75 (mm)

Experiment 2 : Com afectarà diferents factors a l’activitat enzimàtica

- 1r tub tros de teixit animal a temperatura ambient
- 2n tub de teixit animal amb 10ml d’HCL al 10%
- 3r tub tros de teixit animal congelat
- 4t tub tros de teixit animal bullit
- 5è tub tros de teixit animal submergit en una dissolució saturada de NaCl

Afegirem 2ml de aigua oxigenada i notarem l’alçada de les bombolles

Alçada de les bombolles (mm)
65 mm
45 mm
60 mm
47 mm
46 mm


Variable dependent i independent ?

-Dependent :es la que estem investigant per tan es l’alçada de les bombolles
-Independent: Es el tractament que em fet en cada tub

Problema que es vol investigar ? Com actua la activitat de la catalasa en diferents factors

Explicació dels resultats :
En el tub que em bullit i el que em afegit HCl no han reaccionat per que s’han desnaturalitzat es adir els factors que mes afecten a la activitat de la catalasa son el Ph i la temperatura , el tub amb una concentració saturada de NaCl i el que estava congelat han presentat una activitat mes alta que els altres dos , en canvi el tub que no hem manipulat a reaccionat mes i es el que ens a servit per compara.

Quina es la funció de la catalasa en els teixits animals o vegetals? On es troba aquet enzim? La seva funció es descompassar l’aigua oxigenada en hidrogen i oxigen. Es troba en els peroxisomes.

Perquè quant ens fem una ferida ens posem aigua oxigenada? Per eliminar els bacteris anaeròbics ja que no poden sobreviure si tenen oxigen

dilluns, 4 de maig del 2015

L:21 The Chloroplast and the photosynthesis

 L: 21 The Chloroplast and the photosynthesis


This practice will observe photosynthesis of Elodea
Algae (Elodea)
Test Tube
Sodium bicarbonate solution 10% (not essential) .We have not used in practice
Light source
Metric ruler


1-Realate the light intensity with the photosynthesis process
2- Measure the rate of photosynthesis
3- Identify the product of the process and the variables that can affect it


 During photosynthesis ,plants and algae produce oxygen.The research aspect of this science it to assess how light intensitiy affects the rate at which photosynthesis occurs and the rate of oxygen production

1- Take a big beaker
2-Puts the algae inside of a glass and then fill it in the beaker of water, he added test tube with water to the point of creating a vacuum container.
3- Place your preparation close to a light distance 25 cm
4- Measure the temperature
5- Leave this preparation 1 hour and a half .After this time measure the difference of gas accumulation on the top of the test tube


 1- Identify the dependent and independent variable of this experiment
Variable is the oxygen evolution which has hi
2- Using the data from your resuls (and the group) prepare a graph and describe what happened to the amount of gas in the test tube
3- How much gas was produced in the test tube 1 hour? And and a half?
- 0,5 cm 
 4- White the photosynthesis equation .Explain each part of the equation .Which substances are produced by photosynthesis? Which gas is produced that we need in order to live?

Resultado de imagen de ecuación de la fotosintesis en ingles

Investigation questions:

Which is the origin of the oxygen that we breathe?

Where are the lungs of our planet?

It is the phytoplankton in the oceans. Thus these autotrophic microorganisms produce about 95% of the oxygen that is released into the atmosphere. Oxygenic photosynthesis appeared evolutionarily with cyanobacteria, also ancestors of plastids of eukaryotic algae. For nearly 2,000 million years, to the development of land plants, photosynthesis was practically restricted to the seas. The process is based on bladed Fotosintesi carbon dioxide with water to form sugar, the result is an excess of oxygen released.

dimecres, 18 de març del 2015

L:19 Observation of starch granules, micro-organism


Optical microscope (16x10 )cell of carrot 
Optical microscope (16x10) see the potato starch granules stained with IODA
Optical microscopewith oil imersio of  (100x10) see the potato starch granules stained with IODA
Opticaal microscopewith 16x10 cell of carrarot cromoplast


video the organism cells

dimecres, 4 de març del 2015

L:17 Gram staining



 In this great experiment we yogurt bacteria stained with dyes to diferend observarlos microscope after.


1- Differentiate yogurt bacterias.
2- Relate the staining procedure with the structure of the cells.


- 1 Slide
- 1 Cover slip
- Tongs
- Needle
- Gram stain: Crystal violet,iodine and safranin.
- Decolorize reagents: ethanol 96%
- Microscope
- Yogur


Prokariotic cell observations: Gram Staining

1- Prepare a heat-fixed sample of the bacteria to be stained
2- Cover thesmear with crystal violet for an exposure of 1 min
3- Rinse with distilled water
4- Apply Iodine solution for 1 min.
5- Rinse the sample with distilled water.
6- Decolorize using ethanol.Drop by drop until the purple stop flowing.Wash immediately with distilled water.
7- Cover the sample with the safranin stain for an exposure time of 45seconds.
8- Rinse the sample with distilled water.
9- Gently dry the slide with paper(only the under pard of the slide )


Gram Stain:

1.Complete the table thay you have below:

Crystal violet:
Color changes
Color changes
No Dye
No Dye
Dyed Pink

Photo the yoghurt bacteria
Microscope optical


dilluns, 2 de març del 2015

L:16 Epidermis Cells



-In this experiment we observed the microscope the epidermis of a plant which was a joint seen the wall and cellular nuclei.


- 1 Slide
- 1 Cover Slip
- Distilled water
- Scissors
- Needle
- Join


Plant cells observation

1- Cut the stalk of the leek.
2- In the place of the cut,pullout the trasparent part of the epidermis
3- Using the brush, place the peel onto the slide containg a drop of tap water
4- Take a cover slip and place it gently on the peel with the aid of a needle
5- View it in the microscope.
6- Describe the change in the shape of the cells.
7- Draw a diagram with the parts of a stome: cells,guards,epidermis cells.

Salt Treatement

1- Prepare a 10% of salt solution
2- Put the salt with a dropper on the left pard of the slide .Touch the cover slip.
3- Place a piece of cellulose paper in the opposite part of the cover slip, and let the dissolution to go through your sample.

Resuls and microscope observation.

Es mostra IMG-20150302-WA0003.jpg.

100x augments
Photo epidermis cells join


1- What is the major function of a cell membrane?   Balance of the internal environment of the external environment.

2-What is the major fuction of the cell wall? Performance featuring the contents of the cell and give rigidity, intervenes in all relations with the cell environment.

3-How does salt affect the cells shape?And the stome? Distend plant cell, putting large enough to balance the difference in osmotic pressures that occur solution external and internal pressure. The function of stomata have obrirce and tancarse as the plant that has this great remedy in case closed and tried to regulate the salt environment.

dilluns, 23 de febrer del 2015

L:15 Animals Cells VS Plants Cells



1- Identify the major components of cell
2- Differentiate between animals and plant cells
3- Measure dimensions of the entire cell and the nucleus.


2 slides
2covers slips
Watch Glasses
Destiled Water

Methylene blue

Photo my cell:

Es mostra IMG-20150223-WA0004.jpg.

Photo the optical microscopy 600X augmentation

Photo cells onion: 

Es mostra la foto.JPG.

Photo the optical microscopy 600X augmentation

dimecres, 11 de febrer del 2015

P: 12 DNA Extraction


Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA is a nucleic asid that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and many viruses.
Nucleic acids compose the nucleo base( G,T,C,A ) complements G-C  A-T unid base nitrogenous
Within cells, DNA is organizet into structures called chomosomes.


1 Study DNA structure.
2 Understand the prosses of estracting DNA from a tissue.


1L Erlenmeyer flask
100ml beaker
100ml graduated cylinder
Small funnel
Glass stirring rod
10ml Pipet
Safet goggles
Pineapple juice 1ml-5ml
Distiller water
90% Ethanol ice-cold
7ml DNA buffer
15gml dish soap
900ml tap water


1. Peel the kiwi and chop it to small piece
2.Add 8ml of buffer to the beaker
3.Mash the kiwi puree carefully for 1 minute without creating many bubbles
4. Filter the mixture
5.Add beaker contain carefull on top of the cheesecloth to fill the graduated cylinder.The juice will drain through the cheesecloth but the chucks of kiwi will not pass through into the graduated cylinder.
6. Add the pineapple juice to the green juice .This step will help us to obtain a pures solution DNA. Pineapple juice contains an enzyme thet breaks down proteins.
7. Tild the graduated cylinder and pour in an equal amount of ethanol with an automatic pipet.Put the ethanol through the graduated cylinder very carefully.You will need about equal volumes of DNA solution to ethanol
8.Place the graduated cylinted so that is eye level .Using the stirring road,collect DNA at the boundary of ethanol and Kiwi juice.Do not stir the Kiwi juice: only stir in the above ethanol layer
9.The DNA precipitatee looks like long,white and thin fibers.
10.Gently remove the stirring rod and examine what the DNA look like.


1 What did the DNA look like?
White filaments that were precipitated in the ethanol.
2 Whty do you mash the kiwi ? Where DNA is located inside the cell?
2- To break the cells and remove the DNA that is  found in the nucleus of the cell
3 Explain what is the fuction of every compound of the buffer"soap and salt"
3- Salt is hypertonic medium that produces the break of the cell's membrane.
 Add soap extrain the proteins
4 DNA is soluble in water , but not in ethanol.What does this fact have to do with our method of extraction?
 4- When DNA comes into contact with ethanol it precipitates out of solution so you can see it forming in the clear layer above the kiwi solution. That is what I saw in the experiment