divendres, 3 d’octubre del 2014



even though bones are very lighy,they are also very strong .however how streong they are depends on how much of the mineral calcium carbonate they contain.
Eggs and bones contain calcium carbonate (CaCo3). When calcium carbonate and acetic acid combine a chermical reacion takes place and carbonate dioxide(Ca2) is released.We can see thi effect observing  some bubbles in de solution
bones are place in the glass with acetic acid ,this acid dissolve the calcium carbonate so that only collagen in left.
During foetal development strong fibbers of collagen protein form a matrix for bones.the matrix is shappen like bones but is very flexible.The matrix  solidifies by a process,called calcification.Duringthis process calcium phosphate or  hydroxyapatite is depositied in the fibbers of collagen and give the bonesstrength and rigidity.


1-Identify mineral salts in organisms
2- Understand the funcion of inorganic biomolecules in skeletal structuresof organisms


Wash bottle
Beaker 100ml
Beaker 200ml
Watch glass
lab coat
acetic acid
Bones 7g , 2,1g  4,8g


 Chiken or lambs bones:

1: Carefully clean and cut ad much of the meat away from the chiken thin bone as possible
2 Examine the flexibility of the bones by trying to brnd it with your fingers
3 Take a beaker and make and acid acetic solution or add vinegar
4 Take the chicken or lamb bones and drop them in the acid acetic solution that you have made
5 Leave it 24-48 hours and see what happens to the bone.Put a clock glass at the top of the beaker to      protect de solution
6 Remove the bones from the vinegar with a tong and soak them with water.
7 Write the results in your lab worksheet.


We see as acetic acid melted organic matter of bones and soft finished tornance demanera that could boblegar a normal bones can not be so easily boblagar


Acetic acid rid organic matter and releases the CO2 that are making inside many properties of bone loss


Write the reaction that takes place when the acid acetic reacts with the calcium carbonate.ç

2. What is happening when the shells are soaking of acetic acid? What are the bubbles that you can
see?Es la materia orgànica que es despren i les bombolles son CO2

3. What is happening to the bone after some days of soaking it in acetic acid? Why is the bone
flexible now? Per que a perdut totes les propietats que tenia una de elles el calci que li donava resistència

4. So, what is the function of the calcium carbonate in the skeletal structures?Dona rigidesa als ossos

5. Increases in carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from the burning fossil fuels and deforestation
threaten to change the chemistry of the seas. Evidence suggests that this increase in atmospheric
carbon dioxide is lowering the pH of the oceans in a process called ocean acidification. How can
acidification affects corals reefs?
Es degut a la falta de PH a l'aigua ja que l'acidesa es molt alta en alguns llocs

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